Monday, December 15, 2008

In Support of Madison Nguyen

LSI just received this invitation over email to attend an All-Star Event at a one-star night club (According to Yelp). The owner is a Vietnamese-American friend of Madison Nguyen.


Dear Friends,

Please join me, Mayor Chuck Reed and Councilmembers Pete Constant, Forrest Williams, Sam Liccardo, Pierluigi Oliverio, Judy Chirco, Nancy Pyle and Councilmembers-elect Rose Herrera and Ash Kalra for a reception to raise fund for the No Recall campaign.

Below are the details for the event:
Wednesday, December 17, 20085:30 pm to 7:30 pm
Motif Restaurant
389 South First Street
Downtown San José

Checks will be accepted at the door or you can mail them to:No Recall of Madison Nguyen CommitteePO Box 18494San Jose, CA 95158

Make check payable to: No Recall of Madison Nguyen Committeeor you can donate online at

RSVP to Melanie Jimenez (408) 674-8662 or

Please feel free to forward the attached flyer to any of your contacts who would be interested in attending.Thank you for your continued support.

All my best,



As LSI mentioned before, this is not even a fair fight. Madison has the support of influential and important elected officials and the powerful South Bay Labor. In addition, she can at a her fingertip raises boat load of money from wealthy real estate developers, labor unions and powerful lobbyists from all over the country - Arizona, Washington D.C., San Diego, Sacramento, etc...

Now with Melanie Jimenez, a smart policy analyst from the mayor's office helping her along with the most powerful consultant in San Jose, Vic Aljouny, it will not be even a close election.

The recall team is basically a loose group of volunteers with mostly older folks who are either unemployed or low level blue collar workers and of course have no experience in running a campaign. In addition, they have history against them.

They neither have the money nor the media savvy to take on a well oiled machine behind Madison. Nguyen's political sophistication, good look, a mainstream media darling, and her ability to outspend and out message the recall team in the Vietnamese-American community alone would crush even a more seasoned political operative.

Her campaign spent over $19,600 for Vietnamese-American media (from July to September) to write favorable articles and radio talk show touting her record. The media supporting her and receiving her money are: the powerful and influential Que Huong Radio, Vien Thao Media (Do van Tron, the owner, is one of the richest Vietnamese-Americans in the Bay Area), Thoi Bao (one of the oldest Vietnamese-American newspaper in existence), Viet Weekly (a Southern California newspaper that is moving their operation to the Bay Area to support Madison ), Tin Viet News, V-Times, CM Magazine, Hoa Vang, Song Viet Radio (Another powerful radio show owns by a powerful political party within the community- Viet Tan).

The recall team meanwhile only managed to spend $9,927 on Vietnamese-American radio ads and prints.
What amazing of course was against such incredible odd, they managed to gather over 7,000 signatures in which they submitted 5,185 signatures for verification

Recently to put on the pressure, she commissioned Viet Weekly to print 10,000 newspaper issues for the San Jose area. The issue by design featured her and her fight against the recall effort. This is an impressive number since Viet Weekly don't even print that many issues in their own market in southern Cal.

If LSI is a betting person, the odd is 7 to 2, Madison.

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