Monday, December 29, 2008

Predictions for The Year of the Ox

LSI will rely on the ancient art of "Fortune Telling" to predict the upcoming Year of the Ox. Here are the "Top 10 Stories":

10. Microsoft, after the departure of Yang, will make an offer for Yahoo! at a discount price in the low 20s.

9. Silicon Valley unemployment rate will hit an all time high.

8. Median house price in San Jose will drop another 10% before bottoming out.

7. Unless her health fails her, Diane Feinstein will run for governor. And if she does, there will be no serious challengers from the Democratic Party.

6. Van Tran will gear up to run against Lou Correa. However, his effort will fall flat and he will end up in a political no man's land as he is termed out in 2010.

5. Nora Campos will run to replace Joe Coto unless Cindy Chavez decides to run. But chances are Cindy will not run. She has doubts about her own political ambitions.

4. If Madison Nguyen lost, a heavy weight candidate will run against Chuck Reed, literally.

3. In a city where there is only 1/3 Whites, 2010 is the last time the city council will have 3/4 city council members as White.

2. Madison Nguyen loses the recall election by a wide margin despite receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars from lobbyists, labors and wealthy business people not from San Jose.

1. Reed, reeling from Nguyen's defeat, will make a blunder while appointing a person to replace Madison Nguyen. Actually, if he is reading, please appoint a Filippino-American woman to ensure no controversy. But he will either appoint a Hispanic or a White.

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