Friday, March 12, 2010

Minh Duong - A Replubican City Council Candidate for D7

So now there are officially 5 candidates (1 incumbent) vying for the San Jose city council seat in District 7 . 

There is one Hispanic - Rudy Rodriguez - and 4 Vietnamese-Americans.  The heavily favorite in the race is  Madison Nguyen, 36, the incumbent who has the support of Labor Unions, the Demcrotic Party and the owner of California Waste Solution - David Duong.

But since this is a year of the anti-incumbent and the lack of support of Madison Nguyen in her own Vietnamese-American community,  there are two credible challengers vying for her seat - Phu Le, 61, a long time community activist and is well known for his campaign efforts in the Vietnamese-American community on behalf of elected officials like Chuck Reed, Dave Cortese and Kansen Chu.   Minh Duong, 32, a Republican businessman and a community activist and advocate.

Yesterday, Michael Tran and Andrew Diaz withdrew from the race.  Bryan Do, another community activist who also was trying to run but could not gather any support from the community.   An unknown Vietnamese-American in the community, Viet Nam Nguyen, 29, a worker for the San Jose City Rec and Parks, also decided to throw his name in the race just for the sake of having his name in the race.

Phu Le is a well respected community activist and a member of the Santa Clara County Health Commission.  His personal bio can be found on -

Minh Duong, a furniture owner and an eloquent candidate, is running as a Republican.  He is also a member of  San Jose Small Business Development Commission.   He was at the Santa Clara Republican Party Convention yesterday and received enthusiastically by the party's leaders.  Minh Duong is standing next to Councilmember Pete Constant in the picture above. 

A surprise last minute entrance to the mayoral race is Thomas Nguyen.  He was a member of the Recall Team and a long time community activist.  He is an IT support engineer for the Santa Clara County.


TN said...

Minh Duong has nothing to do with District 7. He ran for District 8 2 years ago. He has not involved or done anything to show his commitment to Vietnamese community in the last 10 years. Minh Duong is a lousy opporturnist!! Minh Duong is a divider who has done things to destroy the Vietnamese community instead of serving the community. He knows that he can not win District 7, why running ?

Unknown said...

Just to make sure that no one implies anything from this post: I have not endorsed Minh Duong for San Jose City Council District 7.

In fact, I endorsed my colleague Madison Nguyen several months ago in her re-election bid.

Councilmember Pete Constant
City of San Jose, District 1

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Minh Duong does in fact live in District 7, he also graduated from Overfelt High School at the top of his class. Minh Duong has served on numerous San Jose civic and community organizations, including Commissioner of the Small Business Development Commission, and Vice President of a Vietnamese American Committee Action Team.

Let's not be distracted from the real issues of this election. Madison Nguyen is not acting in the best interests of San Jose. Madison Nguyen will continue to vote and legislate on the side of labor. It's no wonder labor is backing her campaign. Let's look at the facts:

*Our city is in a deficit of 118 million dollars.

*While the costs for police and firefighters have risen by 99 percent, our revenues have grown only 21 percent.

*As a result, 80 officers and 80 firefighters have had to be laid off. Other city employees also receive less of a pension and salary.

*When police and firefighters retire at 52, they can make 80-90% of their salary!

"San Jose voters weigh pension changes, public safety costs" (Mercury News 10/5)

We can no longer afford such high pensions and salaries, even for the employees which sacrifice their lives for our city. Everyone should be expected to give a little back to the community so that we can save our services and our city from going bankrupt. Look at what happened to the city of Vallejo. They finally recognized the problem about unions asking for too much, unfortunately this was after they went BANKRUPT:

Vallejo's experience with bankruptcy, arbitration reform may spur action in San Jose (7/10/2010)

What Mayor Chuck Reed has to say (9/23):

Minh Duong is the most qualified candidate in this race to bring jobs to our district. Minh Duong knows the issues San Jose is facing, and is endorsed by the Chamber of Commerce. Madison Nguyen has not only alienated much of the Vietnamese community, but fails to make the tough decisions needed to reduce our deficit.

It's time for a fresh face and someone with real ideas about how to bring jobs to San Jose. Vote Minh Duong for District 7 Council!

Anonymous said...

pete constant is a piece of shit and a worthless council member.

More like a traitor!

Hes a pussy liberal democrat

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