Monday, July 26, 2010

Ly Tong in Southern California

After posting bail last Friday night,  Ly Tong was seen the next morning down south protesting along with the anti-communist crowd at the Anaheim Arena against Dam Vinh Hung.    The protest organizers were not expecting more than 500 people participated in the demonstration but with the news Ly Tong coming to the town, the crowd swelled to about 1,300 people.

 Almost every Vietnamese-American candidate running for office in Little Saigon this coming November was waiting in line to see him, including the State Assemblyman Van Tran.    People were showering him with flowers, gifts and chanting his name everywhere. 

In an interview with a local San Jose newspaper (Thang Bom),  Ly Tong said that he only used concentrated perfume and not pepper spray.  He said that the DA has all the evidence.   If this is the case, the charge of "using a deadly weapon" by the DA is with an agenda.   LSI learned that  the Vietnamese Consulate in SF had asked the DA to prosecute Ly Tong to the fullest extent of the law.  In response, Ly Tong's lawyers (Tam Nguyen, Michael Luu ) filed complaints against the IRS and other state and local agencies against Dam Vinh Hung and his handlers for neither having a licence nor filing taxes  for previous shows. 


Bengal said...

Could you please find for me Ly Tong's lawyers contact information so I can tell them to look out for the political tricks that I am afraid the communists will try to pull in this case. I know they probably already thought about it, but they need to bring it to the media that there is possible bribery from the communists paying the city, the DA, the jurors, and possibly even the judge to put Ly Tong away for good.

bamboo said...

I am really disappointed after I saw the video of Ly Tong in jail. Attacking someone is wrong but he and other people still blame Dam Vinh Hung, and saying he's actually a victim. It's not something a hero would do. Don't say that the Vietnamese community supports him, I know many people in our community disagree with what he did (those people are anti-communist,too but they don't support Ly Tong

Unknown said...

Ridiculous! I do not see a hero, because of his action people are developing stereo type for Vietnamese. Does that make them happy when people begin to think we are dangerous because we are Vietnamese? Nobody cares anymore! With the Vietnamese Community support his action what does that tell people? That we support violence acts? The war is over is over for over 40 years now. Move on! We lost nothing can change that. I am embarrassed by his action. The United States is not going to go to war because of Ly Tong. Viet Nam is currently working with the United States to give the Vietnamese people a better life over there. What more can you guys ask for other than blood shed among our people? The system is not perfect but its better than North Korea (the world biggest prison) isn't it? The VC who fought for the north fought for their cause for what they believe in same as soldiers in the south have you guys ever thought about that? Those guys deserve as much respect, they have love ones too.

I'm just tired of people looking at me like I'm a gangster because I'm vietnamese. I moved away from them into a town of just others and I'm the only Viet here and people see me as who I am and not Ly Tong.

Unknown said...

and how about you guys do us a favor and not hold a American Flag that is a disgrace to this nation. We don't support such actions.

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