Thursday, April 9, 2020

Mixed News About COVID-19 in Santa Clara County

First some good news -

The shelter-in-place mandate is showing some good results.  The rate of new infection cases has increased  about 4.4% for the last two days instead of the usual 10% to 15% per day.  There is also a decrease in the number of  COVID-19 patients in ICU and also the number of people being hospitalized.  

Governor Newsom yesterday announced the returning of 500 ventilators to the national stockpile.  He said California has enough ventilators to fight the virus since the new cases will not be as high as projected.

Still in crisis mode news -

San Jose Office of Emergency Management just activates its CERT volunteers in preparing for the crest next week.   CERT is a trained community emergency response team qualifies to response to disaster crisis and help neighborhoods where emergency responders may not be immediately available.

Friends of Hue Foundation has a 30-member team that are ready to go.  They are lead by Jenny Do who is also spearheading the donation effort of crucial personal protective equipment supplies to healthcare workers and distribution of food to vulnerable populations in the county.

Meanwhile, the shortage of PPE is reaching a point where the county has issued an order to businesses and individuals with large stockpiles must report their inventory within a week. 

Update of the previous article on a new invention to fight against the pandemic, Friends of Hue Foundation has ordered 40 custom made aerosol boxes.  The contraption reduces the risk of infection for doctors and nurses during intubation procedure on severely sick COVID-19 patients.  The one in picture above is being inspected by a doctor at Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in San Jose.  Another one is being tested out another group of doctors in a picture below.

1 comment:

Larry V said...

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