Monday, September 21, 2020

The Fight For the Soul of America - Now or Never


With the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg,  tthe GOP leadership will have another chance to tilt the court in a very conservative direction that will have a lasting impact for a generation or more.   Right now the GOP controlled Senate has 53 - 47 edge.   They will likely have the confirmation vote before the November election.   President Trump will have his chance to further cement his legacy on the judicial system.

The only way to stop this the nomination from getting an up or down vote, 4 Republican senators will need to lean against a nominee.

Senators Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Susa Collins of Maine said they would oppose taking up Trump's nominee.  Senator Mitt Romney of Utah is likely to wait and see who is the nominee. Of course, he is the only Republican senator to vote for impeachment against Trump.  Senator Gardner of Colorado will back a hearing for Trump's nominee.   However, he is in a tough race and behind in the poll.  Whatever is necessary to save his seat, he will take full measure.  

Trump can pick a conservative judge without any controversy and chances are he will have his nominee to be the next Supreme Court justice.  But his hubris can steer him in choosing a controversial candidate to stir things up.   The next 44 days will be the nastiest of American politics.  The process will galvanize each party's respective base and the battle ground states like PA, WI, AZ, MI, FL, and OH will be in sharp focus.   It is after all the battle of all battles for the legal direction in America if not also its social/political policies for decades to come.

May God Bless America!

Epilogue:   It is an untimely passing of Justice Ginsburg that has created this golden opportunity for the GOP and President Trump to take full advantage politically during the election year.  However, for some Democrats, her reluctant to retire despite ill health since 2014 has its unintended consequences.   Murphy's law always holds true.  What if she had retired during Obama administration, they probably would not be in such predicament. It is ironic that her dying wish was as she told her granddaughter: " My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed."

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