Wednesday, May 19, 2010

All Quiet On The D7 Council Race

While District 5 council race heating up with dirty political tricks,  the District 7 council race is eerily quiet and basically stale in comparison.   The front-runner Councilmember Madison Nguyen has not been active with her radio and newspaper ads.  She has more than $65,000 at her disposal.    Nguyen of course has a great name recognition and is confident to win it out rigth in the primary.  Meanwhile Minh Duong is working hard to gather as much vote as he can while dealing with a couple of anynomous dirty hit pieces against him.   The hit pieces have been in the form of mass e-mail to news media, political and business organizations and Internet forum.  The other three candidates are campaigning within their own ethnic group and so far have not outreached to the rest of the community.

With little more than 2 weeks to go, LSI does not expect any last minute uproar in the D7 race considering that the conventional wisdom already predicts Nguyen and Duong would be in the run-off.  If there is a high turn-out ,  the conventional wisdom expects Duong to have a very good chance to close the gap between him and Nguyen. 

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