Friday, July 22, 2011

Lou Correa vs. Janet Nguyen for OC Supervisor?

There are a lot of rumors within the Vietnamese-American community in Little Saigon about the upcoming 2012 race for the First District OC Supervisor seat currently occupied by Supervisor Janet Nguyen.  An often mentioned contender for the seat  is the current State Senator Lou Correa.  With Nguyen receiving strong support from the community and being an incumbent, the conventional wisdom is that this is an unlikely matchup.

Couple weeks ago, Viet Herald Daily sat down with Lou Correa and the subject was brought up.  The interview was done by the reporter Doan Trong.  Here is an excerpt as translated into English:

VH:  Earlier this year in an article in  the OC Regiter, columnist Martin Wisckol disclosed that you are fundraising in Sacramento to potentially run again for the "1st district supervisorial" in 2012.   Would you care to comment on the speculation since your state senate term doesn't end until 2014?

Correa: My fundraing in Sacramento is for the attorney general of California in the future. That is the seat that I am aiming for and not any other position at the moment.

VH: If in the future, Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez leaves her 47th district seat, Are you ready to replace her for that position?

Correa: In politics, anything can happen. However, as I just mentioned,  I would like to be able to run for the AG seat after my term is over.

VH:  Is it safe to say that your name will not appear on the list of candidacy for either congressional or OC supervisor race in 2012?

Correa:  It is safe to say for now that my next political campaign will be for the AG position.

IRCC New Board Members and the Reopening of the Viet Museum

On January 11, 2025,  members of Immigrant Resettlement & Cultural Center (IRCC) voted for a new board for the 2025 term as required by ...