Friday, November 5, 2010

Van Tran Planning a Press Conference Tomorrow?

The rumor is that Van Tran will have a press conference tomorrow at his campaign headquarters.  Right now with about 24,000 absentee and provisional ballots (or 25% of the total votes) not counted yet, he is still trailing by 51% to 42%.  Van Tran could not make up any ground in the last two days with the the absentee ballots.  The ballot deficit actually increases by 150 votes from about 5,550 to 5,700. 

Meanwhile, his campaign and finance manager for the Vietnamese community, Cuong Bui, just sent out a mass email denouncing those Vietnamese-Americans who voted against Van Tran as Chinese sympathizers who are traitors to the Vietnamese people and their cause.   LSI assumes Van Tran is trying to lecture the voters and put them into shame using  the anti-Chinese sentiment caused by the 1000 years of struggle against the Chinese invaders who always wanted to subjugate its tiny neighbor, Vietnam. 

If Van Tran ends up losing about 6,000 votes, he deserves to lecture the Vietnamese-American voters who voted against him.  After all, if the majority of them had voted for him, he could have won it, especially with the low Latino turn-out   This is his base and yet from his reaction so far post-election, he is angry that they did not turn out to vote for him as he had expected them to.

The Republican Party leadership right now has already thinking about the next candidate to challenge Sanchez in 2012.   Will Van Tran run again?  Or could it be the well-received and popularVietnamese-American, former Marine pilot Quang Pham, who voluntary pulled out of the Republican primary because he did not want  to cause divisiveness within the community and the Republican Party in general.   Some OC pundits considered Quang Pham to be a better candidate against Loretta Sanchez  since he has a clean slate and people tend to vote for outsider in this year of the anti-establishment.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Van Tran:" There are still about 30,000 votes unaccounted for.."

After all  D47 precincts counted,  Loretta Sanchez is leading 51% to 42% with about 5,600 votes difference between her and Van Tran.  There were about 64,000 votes officially counted.   Tran is not willing to concede yet.  On his Vietnamese radio show this morning, he told the listeners that there are still about 30,000 provisional and absentee ballots not counted yet.

Cecilia Iglesias received 7% of the votes and did take away some of the Latino votes from Sanchez.  Without her,  Sanchez would be leading by at least 13% instead of 9%.

IRCC New Board Members and the Reopening of the Viet Museum

On January 11, 2025,  members of Immigrant Resettlement & Cultural Center (IRCC) voted for a new board for the 2025 term as required by ...