Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Media Changes in The Original Little Saigon

So here is the latest of the changing landscape of Vietnamese-American media in OC.

Dinh quang Anh Thai is leaving Little Saigon Radio to be with Nguoi Viet Newspaper. Nguoi Viet's Bao Anh is losing her grip further of the newspaper (She was never in control to begin with and she was hoping her husband would be able to. But they both are now "one foot in another foot out"). NV also lost two brightest reporters to a new start-up. This new daily newspaper will directly challenge Nguoi Viet with its multimillion dollars backing. It will take about $400,00 to $500,000 (first year) to start a decent newspaper. Whether Hao Nhien will join them or not will depend on the Hao Nhien's independent streak.

Viet Weekly keeps promoting that they will become Viet Daily soon but the controversial newspaper is just hanging on. Their dream of challenging Nguoi Viet is all but gone. Their 5 ads from Vietnam is dwindling down. Majority of the ads are from Vietnam government owned enterprises (i.e., Vietnam Airline, Vinamilk). The ads were attained from Nguyen cong Khe, the ex- editor in chief of Thanh Nien Magazine, the second largest magazine in Vietnam and of course Communist Party owned. At that time, Khe took it upon himself to help Viet Weekly when the anti-communist supporters decided to take issue with Viet Weekly's articles praising the communist government. With Khe being out of favor(as the Communist Party recently shook up the political power in Ho chi Minh City) and lost his position, Viet Weekly also feels the affect.

Little Saigon Radio in Little Saigon is not doing too well in the economic downturn. There will be benefits cut back since Mai Khanh's escrow business is also hurting and she cannot afford to support both media enterprises (Viet Tide and LSR). Viet Tide is on the block again. The money losing weekly newspaper has not made a single dime since its inception more than a decade ago.

Both Viet Bao and Nguoi Viet are making money still. Viet Bao's husband and wife team of course are much smarter by staying out of controversy. Vien Dong News paper is marching on with no financial worry since the owner has so much money leftover from the stint at Nguoi Viet.

And life goes on in Little Saigon whether it is good time or bad time. This community has seen it all in the last 34 years. Nevertheless, LSI do wish Quynh Trang would be back in the media for she could have done something great. " Time it was, and what a time it was. A time of innocence, a time of confidences..."

1 comment:

Swana Am said...

July 13, 2011

Kinh Bach Hoa Thuong

Chon mau gi cho doi tuoi sang, co mau trang sach trong

1. Kinh thua Hoa Thuong, con co nhung cau hoi nhu sau muon xin hoi Thay. Kinh thua Hoa Thuong cho con biet ve van de cung cap giay phai nhu sau?
1. Pass – Worldwide (responsibility as marriage couple while alive and living in a country with/without children)
2. Certificate – Federal level (possession declaration)
3. License – Provincial level (to start a family, a have children)
4. Permit – Municipality level
5. Approval – Family tree witness by a lawyer
6. Consultation – Gynecologist refer by family physician (health official)
7. Acceptance – Self by the individual, the couple

2. Lam cach nao Rule people according to their own will?
1. No drug or addiction usage to control a person to live against his/her own will.
2. No force marriage due to poor living condition
3. No sex before marriage
4. No escape from poverty by misconduct
5. No manipulation or unethical amendment

3. Con muon nguoi dan duoc am em hanh phuc khong bi ap che cho su thieu thon khong day du ma song voi suc song vui tuoi. Dong thoi lien suc giup do giu gin Phong thuy Kin dao Nguyen ven Trinh toan nhu tam nguyen.

4. Con nhan thay la giai duoc su kho khan huy kiem nhu tren va thoat ra khoi canh thuong dau khong can thiet moi dung that voi su sach trong phap vi dieu cua Bon su The Ton.

5. Thay tu bi giai cho con biet het chon nhung gi phai biet de song tron voi phan con nguoi lam gai o the gian biet yeu thuong de thoat canh don dau hien nay phai dang song.

6. Do la chung ma cuop dut cua Ba cho Ba co bao gio dua gioi? Neu co di nua thi cua la cua nguoi nao cho phai chang cua ta. O ta ba la chu nghiep do con tao ra. Dao vo ra la hoc o Ong Ba Dao duoc bao la sau dam la do tu cha me. Con chinh ta neu hoc tu Thay, Thay introduce love relationship xung hop la xong. This friendship with the person will not fade beacause you were carefull to cover all paranthesis. I am a smart person from the start to have listened to you and have trusted myself from all those steps of the way.

7. Cung cap day du vi suc song tin than.

8. Dau thay tim Thay. Phai hoi dau/tai sau. Tho gioi phap lam gioi tu moi duoc vien dung. Xuat tien tren duong chanh phap va lam gi cho minh khong bi khac hay hon thua ai. Vi minh con phai song thoi. Dung song nua doi nguoi nua doi minh.

9. My organ may call for it but I know that it is better not to take or have it. When unsure the answer is no otherwise I will be upset with myself later on. Give it some time before making any attempt to response, react, repeat, and retrieve. No ideas needed. Nothing to take away to hold onto because it isn't yours or mine.

10. It is our life. We must know what we want and understand how to live it (one particular we are talking about here, not combine with any other offer.)

11. They are both our body where each one of us is responsible for taking care of our own.

12. The two satisfy body living together in one household as two lovely people with/without physical and/or sexual contact.

13. Khong doan chanh thi thiet thoi cho nuoc Viet nguoi Nam. Que huong nha me luc nao cung san sang. Con ve trong luc trang tron sang chung cho con vao luc toi hu thi nang ne con ganh voi doi mat minh. Con duong ma chi co mot loi thoi thi con vao roi con phai ra trong mot con duong.
Co danh mot vong cung the thoi, dau co loi ra ngoai nao khac hon.

14. An alternative route nearby (by walking). Dien tien tot dao, dep doi.

15. Tai sau phai xuat gia, an chay. Vi co muon nhu vay. Co muon duoc nhu minh nhu Chan Qua. Co con san soc cho me.

16. Cach nao cho dung con say thi dung lam do la giao ly cua duc Phat. Minh co hoc thi minh biet de tranh cho minh con minh biet de noi cho nguoi than minh hieu thi tot thoi. Doi song la vay. Co suc de tien len. Con nan ne thi nen dung lai. Tim phuong phap thich hop cho than minh. Con da co roi thi thoi tim kiem.

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