Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Jimmy Nguyen and His Rousing Support for Ly Tong

In the last two weeks after Ly Tong's release from prison,  the Little Saigon community has been seeing him being accompanied by the District 8 city council candidate Jimmy Nguyen.   At an event to raise fund to support Ly Tong's effort to counter sue the county for wrongful conviction (as Ly Tong maintained),  Jimmy even showed up and gave a rousing speech praising Ly Tong as a hero of the community.   He even donated $500 to the cause.

The community understands Jimmy Nguyen needs the votes but to some people,  this is a little too desperate to claim that Ly Tong is a hero. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish I could move back to San Jose just so I could vote against Jimmy Nguyen.

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