Wednesday, November 19, 2008

"Madam Secretary" - A Tale of Two Cities (Part II)

In Orange County, a strong bastion of Republican politics, the overwhelming majority of Vietnamese-Americans are Republicans. This reflects in the success of County Supervisor Janet Nguyen, 32, and State Assemblyman Van Tran, 44, as the two top Republican elected officials in the Vietnamese-American community across the US.

However, up north in the Bay Area, the politics is purely Democrat. Even though the majority of the Vietnamese-Americans registered as Republican just like down south, they mostly voted for Democratic candidates and not surprisingly most Vietnamese-American candidates registered as Democrats. All 3 local school board members and one city council member are Democrats.

One well liked Democrat supporter in San Jose (the 10th largest city in the nation) is the lawyer Michael Luu. He once raised over $300,000 for Hillary Clinton's campaign. And he arranged so that Clinton could use part of his building as the calling headquarters for her Northern California campaign as well as other states nearby.

Now that's dedication and a good friend of Bill and Hillary.

Turn back the clock to the first term of Bush's White House, a well known Vietnamese-American lawyer served in the Justice Department under then Attorney General John Ascroft's leadership. He was responsible for federal legal policy as an assistant attorney general. He and a law professor at Berkeley co-authored the legal foundation for the US Patriot Act. His ambition was a federal judgeship in the DC circuit but with the Democratic senate still has not getting over the US Patriot Act, he now settles as a Georgetown faculty teaching constitutional law.

Under the Obama's administration, Little Saigon Inside could not see anything for Vietnamese-Americans who are inspired to serve the government at an important level within Obama's cabinet unless one is a FOB (Friend of Bill) or FOH(Friend of Hillary)

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